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Covid Spring Boosters Posted or Updated on 24 Apr 2023

NHS COVID vaccines have saved countless lives, kept tens of thousands of people out of hospital, and helped us to live with the virus without fear or restrictions.

But the virus is still with us and making thousands of people ill every week , and protection against COVID (either from catching the virus or from a previous vaccination) fades over time.

So, this spring, the NHS is offering a further vaccination to those at highest risk of severe illness from COVD.

Those who can get a spring vaccination include people aged 75 and over (by 30 June 2023), people with a weakened immune system, and residents of care homes for older adults.

Vaccinations in care homes for older adults begin from the week of 3 April. Other eligible people can book their spring vaccine from 5 April, and appointments start from 17 April.

The NHS will write to people to remind those eligible that they can get the vaccine, but bookings can be made at any time.

The last date people will be able to book a spring booster will be 29 June, with the last spring vaccinations on offer the following day, 30 June.

If you are eligible, you can make a booking by using the NHS App or visiting If you can’t get online, you can call 119 for free.

Some areas also offer convenient walk-in vaccinations – to find out what is available, visit 

